Japan Psychotherapy Week 2015:精神神経学雑誌から

2015年2月に神戸オリエンタルホテルで開催した Japan Psychotherapy Week 2015 については、同年6月の第111回日本精神神経学会学術総会において教育講演の機会をいただきましたので、「精神療法の学び方・活かし方: Japan Psychotherapy Week の提案」と題して講演をさせていただきました。






JPW 2015「和と洋の邂逅」は神戸旧居留地のホテルで1週間の間隔をあけ2夜にわたって開催された.JPW 2015は学術講演会であるが,参加者が食事を摂りながら講演を聞き論議するという形式を採用した.ゆったりした雰囲気の中で円卓を囲み五感のすべてを活動させて精神療法にまつわる話題を賞味するという趣向であった.第1夜では,開会を告げる乾杯に続いて世阿弥の『風姿花伝』をもとに趣旨を説明した.講演は,原田氏による「和と洋の望ましい邂逅の形とは?」と,中村氏による「精神療法が根をもつこと」であった.第2夜は,北山氏による「精神療法における言葉の力」から幕を開けた.講演後の乾杯に続いてプラトンの『饗宴』から引用を行った.




How to learn and practice psychotherapies ―A proposal of the Japan Psychotherapy Week―

Kazuomi INOUE, M.D.
Utsumi Mental Clinic / the Institute for Cognitive Therapy
5-8 Tsuto-Inari-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, 663-8247, JAPAN

Key words
psychotherapies, certified psychiatrist, postgraduate training, vanishing cognitive therapy, Japan Psychotherapy Week

In the JSPN postgraduate training guideline for certified psychiatrists, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is to be referred, understood, and explained in psychotherapeutic treatments of certain mental disorders. The Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy has sponsored annually the Cognitive Therapy Workshop for mental health professionals since 2000.

The Japan Psychotherapy Week (JPW) has been a dream project of the present author to provide opportunities to learn such psychotherapies as psychoanalysis, Morita therapy, and CBT at the same place during the same periods of time, simultaneously or sequentially. The idea of the JPW has two sources: Differential therapeutics in psychiatry on one hand, and the Japan Digestive Disease Week on the other hand.

The JPW2015 “East Meets West” was held at a traditional hotel in Kobe in the evening of February 21 and 28, 2015. As described in Plato’s Symposium the audience was served food and drinks while listening to the speaker talk about psychoanalysis, Morita therapy, and CBT. The first evening began with making a toast, followed by an opening remark about the author’s intention of the JPW, based on excerpts from Zeami’s Fushikaden (the Flowering Spirit). Two well-known psychiatrists majoring in CBT and Morita therapy, gave the address titled “What is a desirable encounter of East with West?” and “On psychotherapy having roots”, respectively. In the second evening a prominent psychiatrist in the field of psychoanalysis had a lecture on “The power of words in psychotherapy”. After drinking a toast, excerpts from Plato’s Symposium were presented to identify Eros as a “great daimon ” mediating between immortal gods and mortal human beings.

The cognitive therapist showed how cognitive therapy has the power of incorporating elements of interpersonal, behavioral, and psychodynamic approaches. The JPW has nothing to do with psychotherapy integration. Instead, cognitive therapy, as an intermediary, will vanish in the process of the JPW. When established, the JPW will develop further the psychotherapeutic competence of psychiatrists.